Fair Mint


Max Mint Supply


Total Minted


Total Minted


ETH Spent


Success Count


ETH Spent

-- ETH

Failed Count


ETH Spent

-- ETH

Referral Airdrops






Fair Mint Rules

  1. Account needs to be activated to use this feature
  2. For each TMARS coin minted, users need to pay an additional ETH worth 0.01USD as a minting fee
  3. If the minting is successful, the minting fee will be divided into two tranches, of which 50% will be injected into the project development fund, and the other 50% will be injected into uniswap's TMARS/ETH trading pair liquidity pool
  4. The current minting success rate is 33.33%. If the minting fails, 2% of the minting fee will be deducted and injected into the TMARS/ETH trading pair liquidity pool of uniswap, and the remaining 98% will be returned to the user
  5. Users who participate in coin minting can invite friends and have the opportunity to earn airdrops
About Turkey Tycoon
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