Pledge TMARS to get NFT points

Pledge Principal


Pledge Points


Pledge Points + Referral Points


Pledge Points


Referral Points


NFT points generation rules

The full name of NFT points is "NFT whitelist points". The number of points directly determines the amount of the first batch of NFT game assets that users can purchase after the game is launched. The more points you have, the higher the amount of NFT assets you can snap up.

  1. Account needs to be activated to use this feature.
  2. Each TMARS pledged will generate 0.00001 points per block. The pledged TMARS can be withdrawn at any time, and no points will be generated after withdrawal.
  3. Invite friends will get an additional 5% of the points generated at the next level and 2% of the points at the next level, only two levels.
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